Drug use, syringe sharing and HIV risk in the People's Republic of China

HIV/AIDS: Stories of a Global Epidemic, Cynthia Pope and Renee White, eds

Drug use, syringe sharing and HIV risk in the People's Republic of China

Duke, Michael R., Li, JiangHong., and Singer, Merrill
2008 Duke, M., Li, J.H., and Singer, M.
2008 Drug use, syringe sharing and HIV risk in the People's Republic of China. In HIV/AIDS: Stories of a Global Epidemic, Cynthia Pope and Renee White, eds. Pp. 40-49. New York: Routledge.
In HIV/AIDS: Stories of a Global Epidemic, Cynthia Pope and Renee White, eds. Pp. 40-49. New York: Routledge.