Barbara Koenig, PhD, RN

Professor Emeritus
Institute for Health & Aging
+1 415 476-3786

Moving toward Equity through Embedded ELSI Ethnography.

The Hastings Center report

James JE, Riddle L, Koenig B, Joseph G

Receiving a pathogenic variant in a population breast cancer screening trial: a mixed method study.

Public health genomics

Riddle L, James JE, Naeim A, Madlensky L, Brain S, De Rosa D, Eklund M, Fiscalini AS, Heditsian D, Koenig B, Ross K, Sabacan LP, Tong B, Wenger N, Joseph G

“Mammograms are kind of my pacifier”: The cultural context of women’s preference for annual mammograms in a risk-based screening cohort.

SSM - Qualitative Research in Health

Katherine Leggat-Barr, Galen Joseph, Leslie Riddle, Mika Caruncho, Barbara Koenig, Jennifer James

Genetic ancestry and diagnostic yield of exome sequencing in a diverse population.

NPJ genomic medicine

Mavura Y, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Hodoglugil U, Kvale M, Martin PM, Van Ziffle J, Devine WP, Ackerman SL, Koenig BA, Kwok PY, Norton ME, Slavotinek A, Risch N

Author Correction: Diagnostic yield of pediatric and prenatal exome sequencing in a diverse population.

NPJ genomic medicine

Slavotinek A, Rego S, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Kvale M, Lianoglou B, Yip T, Hoban H, Outram S, Anguiano B, Chen F, Michelson J, Cilio RM, Curry C, Gallagher RC, Gardner M, Kuperman R, Mendelsohn B, Sherr E, Shieh J, Strober J, Tam A, Tenney J, Weiss W, Whittle A, Chin G, Faubel A, Prasad H, Mavura Y, Van Ziffle J, Devine WP, Hodoglugil U, Martin PM, Sparks TN, Koenig B, Ackerman S, Risch N, Kwok PY, Norton ME

Participant perceptions of changes in psychosocial domains following participation in an adaptive deep brain stimulation trial.

Brain stimulation

Merner AR, Kostick-Quenet K, Campbell TA, Pham MT, Sanchez CE, Torgerson L, Robinson J, Pereira S, Outram S, Koenig BA, Starr PA, Gunduz A, Foote KD, Okun MS, Goodman W, McGuire AL, Zuk P, Lázaro-Muñoz G

The role of polygenic risk scores in breast cancer risk perception and decision-making.

Journal of community genetics

Riddle L, Joseph G, Caruncho M, Koenig BA, James JE

Diagnostic yield of pediatric and prenatal exome sequencing in a diverse population.

NPJ genomic medicine

Slavotinek A, Rego S, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Kvale M, Lianoglou B, Yip T, Hoban H, Outram S, Anguiano B, Chen F, Michelson J, Cilio RM, Curry C, Gallagher RC, Gardner M, Kuperman R, Mendelsohn B, Sherr E, Shieh J, Strober J, Tam A, Tenney J, Weiss W, Whittle A, Chin G, Faubel A, Prasad H, Mavura Y, Van Ziffle J, Devine WP, Hodoglugil U, Martin PM, Sparks TN, Koenig B, Ackerman S, Risch N, Kwok PY, Norton ME

Diagnostic Yield of Exome Sequencing in a Diverse Pediatric and Prenatal Population is not Associated with Genetic Ancestry.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Mavura Y, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Hodoglugil U, Kvale M, Martin PM, Van Ziffle J, Devine WP, Ackerman SL, Koenig BA, Kwok PY, Norton ME, Slavotinek A, Risch N

A draft human pangenome reference.


Liao WW, Asri M, Ebler J, Doerr D, Haukness M, Hickey G, Lu S, Lucas JK, Monlong J, Abel HJ, Buonaiuto S, Chang XH, Cheng H, Chu J, Colonna V, Eizenga JM, Feng X, Fischer C, Fulton RS, Garg S, Groza C, Guarracino A, Harvey WT, Heumos S, Howe K, Jain M, Lu TY, Markello C, Martin FJ, Mitchell MW, Munson KM, Mwaniki MN, Novak AM, Olsen HE, Pesout T, Porubsky D, Prins P, Sibbesen JA, Sirén J, Tomlinson C, Villani F, Vollger MR, Antonacci-Fulton LL, Baid G, Baker CA, Belyaeva A, Billis K, Carroll A, Chang PC, Cody S, Cook DE, Cook-Deegan RM, Cornejo OE, Diekhans M, Ebert P, Fairley S, Fedrigo O, Felsenfeld AL, Formenti G, Frankish A, Gao Y, Garrison NA, Giron CG, Green RE, Haggerty L, Hoekzema K, Hourlier T, Ji HP, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Kolesnikov A, Korbel JO, Kordosky J, Koren S, Lee H, Lewis AP, Magalhães H, Marco-Sola S, Marijon P, McCartney A, McDaniel J, Mountcastle J, Nattestad M, Nurk S, Olson ND, Popejoy AB, Puiu D, Rautiainen M, Regier AA, Rhie A, Sacco S, Sanders AD, Schneider VA, Schultz BI, Shafin K, Smith MW, Sofia HJ, Abou Tayoun AN, Thibaud-Nissen F, Tricomi FF, Wagner J, Walenz B, Wood JMD, Zimin AV, Bourque G, Chaisson MJP, Flicek P, Phillippy AM, Zook JM, Eichler EE, Haussler D, Wang T, Jarvis ED, Miga KH, Garrison E, Marschall T, Hall IM, Li H, Paten B

O40: Clinical utility of prenatal exome sequencing in a diverse cohort*.

Mary Norton, Billie Lianoglou, Matthew Shear, Sara Ackerman, Nuriye Sahin-Holodlugil, Mark Kvale, Jessica Van Ziffle, W. Patrick Devine, Ugur Hodoglugil, Pierre-Marie Martin, Barbara Koenig, Neil Risch, Pui-Yan Kwok, Anne Slavotinek, Teresa Sparks

O41: Genes associated with disease in fetuses compared to children: Exome sequencing in a large pediatric and prenatal cohort.

Teresa Sparks, Billie Lianoglou, Nuriye Sahin-Holodlugil, Mark Kvale, Jessica Van Ziffle, W. Patrick Devine, Ugur Hodoglugil, Pierre-Marie Martin, Barbara Koenig, Pui-Yan Kwok, Sara Ackerman, Anne Slavotinek, Neil Risch, Mary Norton

Post-trial access in implanted neural device research: Device maintenance, abandonment, and cost.

Brain stimulation

L?zaro-Mu?oz G, Pham MT, Mu?oz KA, Kostick-Quenet K, Sanchez CE, Torgerson L, Robinson J, Pereira S, Outram S, Koenig BA, Starr PA, Gunduz A, Foote KD, Okun MS, Goodman W, McGuire AL, Zuk P

Ten Simple Rules for Responsible Big Data Research.

Matthew Zook, Solon Barocas, Danah Boyd, Kate Crawford, Emily Keller, Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Alyssa Goodman, Rachelle Hollander, Barbara A. Koenig, Jacob Metcalf, Arvind Narayanan, Alondra Nelson, Frank Pasquale

The Human Pangenome Project: a global resource to map genomic diversity.


Wang T, Antonacci-Fulton L, Howe K, Lawson HA, Lucas JK, Phillippy AM, Popejoy AB, Asri M, Carson C, Chaisson MJP, Chang X, Cook-Deegan R, Felsenfeld AL, Fulton RS, Garrison EP, Garrison NA, Graves-Lindsay TA, Ji H, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Li D, Marschall T, McMichael JF, Novak AM, Purushotham D, Schneider VA, Schultz BI, Smith MW, Sofia HJ, Weissman T, Flicek P, Li H, Miga KH, Paten B, Jarvis ED, Hall IM, Eichler EE, Haussler D, Human Pangenome Reference Consortium

Researcher Views on Changes in Personality, Mood, and Behavior in Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.

AJOB neuroscience

Zuk P, Sanchez CE, Kostick-Quenet K, Muñoz KA, Kalwani L, Lavingia R, Torgerson L, Sierra-Mercado D, Robinson JO, Pereira S, Outram S, Koenig BA, McGuire AL, Lázaro-Muñoz G

Researchers' Ethical Concerns About Using Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation for Enhancement.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Kostick-Quenet K, Kalwani L, Koenig B, Torgerson L, Sanchez C, Munoz K, Hsu RL, Sierra-Mercado D, Robinson JO, Outram S, Pereira S, McGuire A, Zuk P, Lazaro-Munoz G

Perspectives and preferences regarding genomic secondary findings in underrepresented prenatal and pediatric populations: A mixed-methods approach.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Rego S, Hoban H, Outram S, Zamora AN, Chen F, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Anguiano B, Norstad M, Yip T, Lianoglou B, Sparks TN, Norton ME, Koenig BA, Slavotinek AM, Ackerman SL

Consensus statement for the perinatal management of patients with α thalassemia major.

Blood advances

MacKenzie TC, Amid A, Angastiniotis M, Butler C, Gilbert S, Gonzalez J, Keller RL, Kharbanda S, Kirby-Allen M, Koenig BA, Kyono W, Lal A, Lianoglou BR, Norton ME, Ogasawara KK, Panchalee T, Rosner M, Schwab M, Thompson A, Waye JS, Vichinsky E

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Fetal Gene Therapy.

Clinical obstetrics and gynecology

Brown JEH, Koenig BA

The difficulties of broad data sharing in genomic medicine: Empirical evidence from diverse participants in prenatal and pediatric clinical genomics research.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Norstad M, Outram S, Brown JEH, Zamora AN, Koenig BA, Risch N, Norton ME, Slavotinek A, Ackerman SL

Perceived Utility of Genomic Sequencing: Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis of a Conceptual Model to Inform Patient-Centered Instrument Development.

The patient

Smith HS, Morain SR, Robinson JO, Canfield I, Malek J, Rubanovich CK, Bloss CS, Ackerman SL, Biesecker B, Brothers KB, Goytia CN, Horowitz CR, Knight SJ, Koenig B, Kraft SA, Outram S, Rini C, Shipman KJ, Waltz M, Wilfond B, McGuire AL

Patient, Caregiver, and Decliner Perspectives on Whether to Enroll in Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation Research.

Frontiers in neuroscience

Outram S, Muñoz KA, Kostick-Quenet K, Sanchez CE, Kalwani L, Lavingia R, Torgerson L, Sierra-Mercado D, Robinson JO, Pereira S, Koenig BA, Starr PA, Gunduz A, Foote KD, Okun MS, Goodman WK, McGuire AL, Zuk P, Lázaro-Muñoz G

Examining access to care in clinical genomic research and medicine: Experiences from the CSER Consortium.

Journal of clinical and translational science

Gutierrez AM, Robinson JO, Outram SM, Smith HS, Kraft SA, Donohue KE, Biesecker BB, Brothers KB, Chen F, Hailu B, Hindorff LA, Hoban H, Hsu RL, Knight SJ, Koenig BA, Lewis KL, Lich KH, O'Daniel JM, Okuyama S, Tomlinson GE, Waltz M, Wilfond BS, Ackerman SL, Majumder MA

Preference for secondary findings in prenatal and pediatric exome sequencing.

Prenatal diagnosis

Swanson K, Sparks TN, Lianoglou BR, Chen F, Downum S, Patel S, Rego S, Yip T, Van Ziffle J, Koenig BA, Slavotinek AM, Norton ME

Opportunities and challenges for the computational interpretation of rare variation in clinically important genes.

American journal of human genetics

McInnes G, Sharo AG, Koleske ML, Brown JEH, Norstad M, Adhikari AN, Wang S, Brenner SE, Halpern J, Koenig BA, Magnus DC, Gallagher RC, Giacomini KM, Altman RB

1027 Diagnostic yield of exome sequencing in prenatal diagnosis.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Mary E. Norton, Billie R. Lianoglou, Jessica van Ziffle, Amanda Faubel, Sarah Downum, Anne M. Slavotinek, Pui-Yan Kwok, Barbara Koenig, Neil Risch, Patrick Devine, Teresa N. Sparks

Toward better governance of human genomic data.

Nature genetics

O'Doherty KC, Shabani M, Dove ES, Bentzen HB, Borry P, Burgess MM, Chalmers D, De Vries J, Eckstein L, Fullerton SM, Juengst E, Kato K, Kaye J, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Manson SM, McGrail KM, McGuire AL, Meslin EM, Nicol D, Prainsack B, Terry SF, Thorogood A, Burke W

Researcher Perspectives on Data Sharing in Deep Brain Stimulation.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Zuk P, Sanchez CE, Kostick K, Torgerson L, Muñoz KA, Hsu R, Kalwani L, Sierra-Mercado D, Robinson JO, Outram S, Koenig BA, Pereira S, McGuire AL, Lázaro-Muñoz G

Researcher Perspectives on Ethical Considerations in Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation Trials.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Muñoz KA, Kostick K, Sanchez C, Kalwani L, Torgerson L, Hsu R, Sierra-Mercado D, Robinson JO, Outram S, Koenig BA, Pereira S, McGuire A, Zuk P, Lázaro-Muñoz G

Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions.

Journal of medical ethics

Erikainen S, Friesen P, Rand L, Jongsma K, Dunn M, Sorbie A, McCoy M, Bell J, Burgess M, Chen H, Chico V, Cunningham-Burley S, Darbyshire J, Dawson R, Evans A, Fahy N, Finlay T, Frith L, Goldenberg A, Hinton L, Hoppe N, Hughes N, Koenig B, Lignou S, McGowan M, Parker M, Prainsack B, Shabani M, Staunton C, Thompson R, Varnai K, Vayena E, Williams O, Williamson M, Chan S, Sheehan M

The role of exome sequencing in newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism.

Nature Medicine

Adhikari AN, Gallagher RC, Wang Y, Currier RJ, Amatuni G, Bassaganyas L, Chen F, Kundu K, Kvale M, Mooney SD, Nussbaum RL, Randi SS, Sanford J, Shieh JT, Srinivasan R, Sunderam U, Tang H, Vaka D, Zou Y, Koenig BA, Kwok PY, Risch N, Puck JM, Brenner SE

Clinical Genetics Lacks Standard Definitions and Protocols for the Collection and Use of Diversity Measures.

American journal of human genetics

Popejoy AB, Crooks KR, Fullerton SM, Hindorff LA, Hooker GW, Koenig BA, Pino N, Ramos EM, Ritter DI, Wand H, Wright MW, Yudell M, Zou JY, Plon SE, Bustamante CD, Ormond KE, Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) Ancestry and Diversity Working Group

Conversations on Cancer Chemotherapy Cessation in Patients With Advanced Cancer: Qualitative Findings From a Multi-Institutional Study.

The American journal of hospice & palliative care

Stout J, Kumbamu A, Tilburt J, Fernandez C, Geller G, Koenig B, Lenz HJ, Jatoi A

904: Agreement to secondary findings with exome sequencing in pre- and postnatal settings.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Teresa N. Sparks, Flavia Chen, Shannon Rego, Billie R. Lianoglou, Sachi Patel, Anne M. Slavotinek, Barbara Koenig, Mary E. Norton

FDA oversight of NSIGHT genomic research: the need for an integrated systems approach to regulation.

NPJ genomic medicine

Milko LV, Chen F, Chan K, Brower AM, Agrawal PB, Beggs AH, Berg JS, Brenner SE, Holm IA, Koenig BA, Parad RB, Powell CM, Kingsmore SF

Participant Engagement in Translational Genomics Research: Respect for Persons-and Then Some.

Ethics & human research

Childerhose JE, Finnila CR, Yu JH, Koenig BA, McEwen J, Berg SL, Wilfond BS, Appelbaum PS, Brothers KB

Consent for clinical genome sequencing: considerations from the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium.

Personalized medicine

Yu JH, Appelbaum PS, Brothers KB, Joffe S, Kauffman TL, Koenig BA, Prince AE, Scollon S, Wolf SM, Bernhardt BA, Wilfond BS, Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium Informed Consent and Governance Working G

Hospital and Health System Policies Concerning the California End of Life Option Act.

Journal of palliative medicine

Cain CL, Koenig BA, Starks H, Thomas J, Forbes L, McCleskey S, Wenger NS

Hospital Responses to the End of Life Option Act: Implementation of Aid in Dying in California.

JAMA internal medicine

Cain CL, Koenig BA, Starks H, Thomas J, Forbes L, McCleskey S, Wenger NS

A Multicenter Comparison of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Discussions in Oncology Care: The Role of Time, Patient-Centeredness, and Practice Context.

The oncologist

Tilburt J, Yost KJ, Lenz HJ, Zúñiga ML, O'Byrne T, Branda ME, Leppin AL, Kimball B, Fernandez C, Jatoi A, Barwise A, Kumbamu A, Montori V, Koenig BA, Geller G, Larson S, Roter DL

The Genomic Medicine Integrative Research Framework: A Conceptual Framework for Conducting Genomic Medicine Research.

American journal of human genetics

Horowitz CR, Orlando LA, Slavotinek AM, Peterson J, Angelo F, Biesecker B, Bonham VL, Cameron LD, Fullerton SM, Gelb BD, Goddard KAB, Hailu B, Hart R, Hindorff LA, Jarvik GP, Kaufman D, Kenny EE, Knight SJ, Koenig BA, Korf BR, Madden E, McGuire AL, Ou J, Wasserstein MP, Robinson M, Leventhal H, Sanderson SC

Consent insufficient for data release.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Nicol D, Eckstein L, Bentzen HB, Borry P, Burgess M, Burke W, Chalmers D, Cho M, Dove E, Fullerton S, Ida R, Kato K, Kaye J, Koenig B, Manson S, McGrail K, Meslin E, O'Doherty K, Prainsack B, Shabani M, Tabor H, Thorogood A, de Vries J

Rethinking the "open future" argument against predictive genetic testing of children.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Garrett JR, Lantos JD, Biesecker LG, Childerhose JE, Chung WK, Holm IA, Koenig BA, McEwen JE, Wilfond BS, Brothers K, Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium Pediatrics Working Group

Characterizing the Biomedical Data-Sharing Landscape.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Villanueva AG, Cook-Deegan R, Koenig BA, Deverka PA, Versalovic E, McGuire AL, Majumder MA

Hopeful and Concerned: Public Input on Building a Trustworthy Medical Information Commons.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Deverka PA, Gilmore D, Richmond J, Smith Z, Mangrum R, Koenig BA, Cook-Deegan R, Villanueva AG, Majumder MA, McGuire AL

Importance of Participant-Centricity and Trust for a Sustainable Medical Information Commons.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

McGuire AL, Majumder MA, Villanueva AG, Bardill J, Bollinger JM, Boerwinkle E, Bubela T, Deverka PA, Evans BJ, Garrison NA, Glazer D, Goldstein MM, Greely HT, Kahn SD, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Lambright JM, Mattison JE, O'Donnell C, Rai AK, Rodriguez LL, Simoncelli T, Terry SF, Thorogood AM, Watson MS, Wilbanks JT, Cook-Deegan R

The Role of Participants in a Medical Information Commons.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Majumder MA, Bollinger JM, Villanueva AG, Deverka PA, Koenig BA

Should Researchers Offer Results to Family Members of Cancer Biobank Participants? A Mixed-Methods Study of Proband and Family Preferences.

AJOB empirical bioethics

Gordon DR, Radecki Breitkopf C, Robinson M, Petersen WO, Egginton JS, Chaffee KG, Petersen GM, Wolf SM, Koenig BA

The clinical imperative for inclusivity: Race, ethnicity, and ancestry (REA) in genomics.

Human mutation

Popejoy AB, Ritter DI, Crooks K, Currey E, Fullerton SM, Hindorff LA, Koenig B, Ramos EM, Sorokin EP, Wand H, Wright MW, Zou J, Gignoux CR, Bonham VL, Plon SE, Bustamante CD, Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) Ancestry and Diversity Working Group (ADWG)

The Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating Research Consortium: Integrating Genomic Sequencing in Diverse and Medically Underserved Populations.

American journal of human genetics

Amendola LM, Berg JS, Horowitz CR, Angelo F, Bensen JT, Biesecker BB, Biesecker LG, Cooper GM, East K, Filipski K, Fullerton SM, Gelb BD, Goddard KAB, Hailu B, Hart R, Hassmiller-Lich K, Joseph G, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Knight S, Kwok PY, Lewis KL, McGuire AL, Norton ME, Ou J, Parsons DW, Powell BC, Risch N, Robinson M, Rini C, Scollon S, Slavotinek AM, Veenstra DL, Wasserstein MP, Wilfond BS, Hindorff LA, CSER consortium , Plon SE, Jarvik GP

Contending Worldviews in the Clinical Encounter: An Empirical Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Deliberations in Contemporary Medical Oncology.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Kumbamu A, Geller G, Leppin A, Fernandez C, Tilburt J, Koenig B

Approaches to carrier testing and results disclosure in translational genomics research: The clinical sequencing exploratory research consortium experience.

Molecular genetics & genomic medicine

Porter KM, Kauffman TL, Koenig BA, Lewis KL, Rehm HL, Richards CS, Strande NT, Tabor HK, Wolf SM, Yang Y, Amendola LM, Azzariti DR, Berg JS, Bergstrom K, Biesecker LG, Biswas S, Bowling KM, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Conlin LK, Cooper GM, Dulik MC, Garraway LA, Ghazani AA, Green RC, Hiatt SM, Jamal SM, Jarvik GP, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS, members of the CSER Actionability and Return of Results Working Group

Natural history of lesions suspicious for basal cell carcinoma in older adults in Ikaria, Greece.

The British journal of dermatology

Wehner MR, Dalma N, Landefeld C, Pare-Anastasiadou A, Koutelidas I, Chren MM, Aji N, Teng CE, Koenig BA, Tang J, Covinsky K, Linos E

Sequencing Newborns: A Call for Nuanced Use of Genomic Technologies.

The Hastings Center report

Johnston J, Lantos JD, Goldenberg A, Chen F, Parens E, Koenig BA, members of the NSIGHT Ethics and Policy Advisory Board

"Why did I get that part of you?" Understanding addiction genetics through family history.

Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)

Dingel MJ, Ostergren J, Koenig BA, McCormick J

Attitudes Toward Return of Genetic Research Results to Relatives, Including After Death: Comparison of Cancer Probands, Blood Relatives, and Spouse/Partners.

Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE

Radecki Breitkopf C, Wolf SM, Chaffee KG, Robinson ME, Lindor NM, Gordon DR, Koenig BA, Petersen GM

Pragmatic Tools for Sharing Genomic Research Results with the Relatives of Living and Deceased Research Participants.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Wolf SM, Scholtes E, Koenig BA, Petersen GM, Berry SA, Beskow LM, Daly MB, Fernandez CV, Green RC, LeRoy BS, Lindor NM, O'Rourke PP, Breitkopf CR, Rothstein MA, Van Ness B, Wilfond BS

Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Ethical Framing of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncology Over the Last 20 Years.

The oncologist

Kimball BC, Geller G, Warsame R, Kumbamu A, Jatoi A, Koenig B, Tilburt JC

Including all voices in international data-sharing governance.

Human genomics

Kaye J, Terry SF, Juengst E, Coy S, Harris JR, Chalmers D, Dove ES, Budin-Ljøsne I, Adebamowo C, Ogbe E, Bezuidenhout L, Morrison M, Minion JT, Murtagh MJ, Minari J, Teare H, Isasi R, Kato K, Rial-Sebbag E, Marshall P, Koenig B, Cambon-Thomsen A

California's End of Life Option Act: What Can We Learn from One Year of Legalization? (TH312).

Journal of pain and symptom management

Barbara Koenig, Laura Petrillo, Cindy Cain, Felicia Cohn, Judy Thomas

Physician Perception of Pay Fairness and its Association with Work Satisfaction, Intent to Leave Practice, and Personal Health.

Journal of general internal medicine

Kao AC, Jager AJ, Koenig BA, Moller AC, Tutty MA, Williams GC, Wright SM

Creating a data resource: what will it take to build a medical information commons?

Genome medicine

Deverka PA, Majumder MA, Villanueva AG, Anderson M, Bakker AC, Bardill J, Boerwinkle E, Bubela T, Evans BJ, Garrison NA, Gibbs RA, Gentleman R, Glazer D, Goldstein MM, Greely H, Harris C, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Kohane IS, La Rosa S, Mattison J, O'Donnell CJ, Rai AK, Rehm HL, Rodriguez LL, Shelton R, Simoncelli T, Terry SF, Watson MS, Wilbanks J, Cook-Deegan R, McGuire AL

Navigating the research-clinical interface in genomic medicine: analysis from the CSER Consortium.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Wolf SM, Amendola LM, Berg JS, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Green RC, Harris-Wai J, Henderson GE, Jarvik GP, Koenig BA, Lehmann LS, McGuire AL, O'Rourke P, Somkin C, Wilfond BS, Burke W


Innovation in Aging

L. Forbes, L. Petrillo, E. Dzeng, K.L. Harrison, B. Scribner, B. Koenig

Consumer Perspectives on Access to Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Role of Demographic Factors and the Testing Experience.

The Milbank quarterly

Gollust SE, Gray SW, Carere DA, Koenig BA, Lehmann LS, McGUIRE AL, Sharp RR, Spector-Bagdady K, Wang NA, Green RC, Roberts JS, PGen Study Group

How California Prepared for Implementation of Physician-Assisted Death: A Primer.

American journal of public health

Petrillo LA, Dzeng E, Harrison KL, Forbes L, Scribner B, Koenig BA

Ten simple rules for responsible big data research.

PLoS computational biology

Zook M, Barocas S, Boyd D, Crawford K, Keller E, Gangadharan SP, Goodman A, Hollander R, Koenig BA, Metcalf J, Narayanan A, Nelson A, Pasquale F

Community recommendations on biobank governance: Results from a deliberative community engagement in California.

PloS one

Dry SM, Garrett SB, Koenig BA, Brown AF, Burgess MM, Hult JR, Longstaff H, Wilcox ES, Madrigal Contreras SK, Martinez A, Boyd EA, Dohan D

How Should Palliative Care Be Involved in the Response to Physician Assisted Dying in California? Intimately: Perspectives from a Statewide Conference (S795).

Journal of pain and symptom management

Laura Petrillo, Eric Widera, Elizabeth Dzeng, Krista Harrison, Lindsay Forbes, Barbara Koenig, Ben Scribner

Returning Results in Biobank Research: Global Trends and Solutions.

Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers

De Clercq E, Kaye J, Wolf SM, Koenig BA, Elger BS

The Experience of Hospital Death: Assessing the Quality of Care at an Academic Medical Center.

The American journal of hospice & palliative care

Carey EC, Dose AM, Humeniuk KM, Kuan YC, Hicks AD, Ottenberg AL, Tilburt JC, Koenig B

A taxonomy of medical uncertainties in clinical genome sequencing.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Han PKJ, Umstead KL, Bernhardt BA, Green RC, Joffe S, Koenig B, Krantz I, Waterston LB, Biesecker LG, Biesecker BB

Newborn Sequencing in Genomic Medicine and Public Health.


Berg JS, Agrawal PB, Bailey DB, Beggs AH, Brenner SE, Brower AM, Cakici JA, Ceyhan-Birsoy O, Chan K, Chen F, Currier RJ, Dukhovny D, Green RC, Harris-Wai J, Holm IA, Iglesias B, Joseph G, Kingsmore SF, Koenig BA, Kwok PY, Lantos J, Leeder SJ, Lewis MA, McGuire AL, Milko LV, Mooney SD, Parad RB, Pereira S, Petrikin J, Powell BC, Powell CM, Puck JM, Rehm HL, Risch N, Roche M, Shieh JT, Veeraraghavan N, Watson MS, Willig L, Yu TW, Urv T, Wise AL

If you build it, they will come: unintended future uses of organised health data collections.

BMC medical ethics

O'Doherty KC, Christofides E, Yen J, Bentzen HB, Burke W, Hallowell N, Koenig BA, Willison DJ

Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine.

American journal of human genetics

Green RC, Goddard KA, Jarvik GP, Amendola LM, Appelbaum PS, Berg JS, Bernhardt BA, Biesecker LG, Biswas S, Blout CL, Bowling KM, Brothers KB, Burke W, Caga-Anan CF, Chinnaiyan AM, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Cooper GM, East K, Evans JP, Fullerton SM, Garraway LA, Garrett JR, Gray SW, Henderson GE, Hindorff LA, Holm IA, Lewis MH, Hutter CM, Janne PA, Joffe S, Kaufman D, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Krantz ID, Manolio TA, McCullough L, McEwen J, McGuire A, Muzny D, Myers RM, Nickerson DA, Ou J, Parsons DW, Petersen GM, Plon SE, Rehm HL, Roberts JS, Robinson D, Salama JS, Scollon S, Sharp RR, Shirts B, Spinner NB, Tabor HK, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Veenstra DL, Wagle N, Weck K, Wilfond BS, Wilhelmsen K, Wolf SM, Wynn J, Yu JH, CSER Consortium

Communication predictors and consequences of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) discussions in oncology visits.

Patient education and counseling

Roter DL, Yost KJ, O'Byrne T, Branda M, Leppin A, Kimball B, Fernandez C, Jatoi A, Kumbamu A, Montori V, Koenig B, Geller G, Larson S, Tilburt J

Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine.

American journal of human genetics

Green RC, Goddard KAB, Jarvik GP, Amendola LM, Appelbaum PS, Berg JS, Bernhardt BA, Biesecker LG, Biswas S, Blout CL, Bowling KM, Brothers KB, Burke W, Caga-Anan CF, Chinnaiyan AM, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Cooper GM, East K, Evans JP, Fullerton SM, Garraway LA, Garrett JR, Gray SW, Henderson GE, Hindorff LA, Holm IA, Lewis MH, Hutter CM, Janne PA, Joffe S, Kaufman D, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Krantz ID, Manolio TA, McCullough L, McEwen J, McGuire A, Muzny D, Myers RM, Nickerson DA, Ou J, Parsons DW, Petersen GM, Plon SE, Rehm HL, Roberts JS, Robinson D, Salama JS, Scollon S, Sharp RR, Shirts B, Spinner NB, Tabor HK, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Veenstra DL, Wagle N, Weck K, Wilfond BS, Wilhelmsen K, Wolf SM, Wynn J, Yu JH, CSER Consortium

Parental Views on Expanded Newborn Screening Using Whole-Genome Sequencing.


Joseph G, Chen F, Harris-Wai J, Puck JM, Young C, Koenig BA

Professionally Responsible Disclosure of Genomic Sequencing Results in Pediatric Practice.


McCullough LB, Brothers KB, Chung WK, Joffe S, Koenig BA, Wilfond B, Yu JH, Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium Pediatrics Working Group

National survey and community advisory board development for a bipolar disorder biobank.

Bipolar disorders

Frye MA, Doederlein A, Koenig B, McElroy SL, Nassan M, Seymour LR, Biernacka JM, Daniels AS

The media and behavioral genetics: Alternatives coexisting with addiction genetics.

Science, technology & human values

Dingel MJ, Ostergren J, McCormick JB, Hammer R, Koenig BA

Unwarranted optimism in media portrayals of genetic research on addiction overshadows critical ethical and social concerns.

Journal of health communication

Ostergren JE, Dingel MJ, McCormick JB, Koenig BA

EngageUC: Developing an Efficient and Ethical Approach to Biobanking Research at the University of California.

Clinical and translational science

Garrett SB, Koenig BA, Brown A, Hult JR, Boyd EA, Dry S, Dohan D, in collaboration with UC BRAID

Dying in the Hospital: Perspectives of family members.

Journal of palliative care

Dose AM, Carey EC, Rhudy LM, Chiu Y, Frimannsdottir K, Ottenberg AL, Koenig BA

Linking Broad Consent to Biobank Governance: Support From a Deliberative Public Engagement in California.

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

Garrett SB, Dohan D, Koenig BA

Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research-Clinical Divide.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Wolf SM, Burke W, Koenig BA

Preferences Regarding Return of Genomic Results to Relatives of Research Participants, Including after Participant Death: Empirical Results from a Cancer Biobank.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Breitkopf CR, Petersen GM, Wolf SM, Chaffee KG, Robinson ME, Gordon DR, Lindor NM, Koenig BA

Returning a Research Participant's Genomic Results to Relatives: Analysis and Recommendations.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Wolf SM, Branum R, Koenig BA, Petersen GM, Berry SA, Beskow LM, Daly MB, Fernandez CV, Green RC, LeRoy BS, Lindor NM, O'Rourke PP, Breitkopf CR, Rothstein MA, Van Ness B, Wilfond BS

Have we asked too much of consent?

The Hastings Center report

Koenig BA

Challenges in translational research: the views of addiction scientists.

PloS one

Ostergren JE, Hammer RR, Dingel MJ, Koenig BA, McCormick JB

AJOB Empirical Bioethics: A Home for Empirical Bioethics Scholarship.

AJOB empirical bioethics

Chris Feudtner, Jeremy Sugarman, Barbara A. Koenig, Peter A. Ubel, Richard F. Ittenbach, Laura Weiss Roberts, Laurence B. McCullough

Listening in on difficult conversations: an observational, multi-center investigation of real-time conversations in medical oncology.

BMC cancer

Kimball BC, James KM, Yost KJ, Fernandez CA, Kumbamu A, Leppin AL, Robinson ME, Geller G, Roter DL, Larson SM, Lenz HJ, Garcia AA, Braddock CH, Jatoi A, de Nuncio ML, Montori VM, Koenig BA, Tilburt JC

Ethical, legal, and social implications of incorporating genomic information into electronic health records.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Hazin R, Brothers KB, Malin BA, Koenig BA, Sanderson SC, Rothstein MA, Williams MS, Clayton EW, Kullo IJ

Stakeholder engagement: a key component of integrating genomic information into electronic health records.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Hartzler A, McCarty CA, Rasmussen LV, Williams MS, Brilliant M, Bowton EA, Clayton EW, Faucett WA, Ferryman K, Field JR, Fullerton SM, Horowitz CR, Koenig BA, McCormick JB, Ralston JD, Sanderson SC, Smith ME, Trinidad SB

The Mayo Clinic Biobank: a building block for individualized medicine.

Mayo Clinic proceedings

Olson JE, Ryu E, Johnson KJ, Koenig BA, Maschke KJ, Morrisette JA, Liebow M, Takahashi PY, Fredericksen ZS, Sharma RG, Anderson KS, Hathcock MA, Carnahan JA, Pathak J, Lindor NM, Beebe TJ, Thibodeau SN, Cerhan JR

Point-counterpoint. Ethics and genomic incidental findings.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

McGuire AL, Joffe S, Koenig BA, Biesecker BB, McCullough LB, Blumenthal-Barby JS, Caulfield T, Terry SF, Green RC

Potential bias in the bank: what distinguishes refusers, nonresponders and participants in a clinic-based biobank?

Public health genomics

Ridgeway JL, Han LC, Olson JE, Lackore KA, Koenig BA, Beebe TJ, Ziegenfuss JY

Addiction: Current Criticism of the Brain Disease Paradigm.

AJOB neuroscience

Hammer R, Dingel M, Ostergren J, Partridge B, McCormick J, Koenig BA

Addiction science, meet translational genomics.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Koenig BA

The experience of addiction as told by the addicted: incorporating biological understandings into self-story.

Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Hammer RR, Dingel MJ, Ostergren JE, Nowakowski KE, Koenig BA

Chronic Addiction, Compulsion, and the Empirical Evidence.

AJOB neuroscience

Molly J. Dingel, Rachel Hammer, Jenny E. Ostergren, Jennifer B. McCormick, Barbara A. Koenig

Managing incidental findings and research results in genomic research involving biobanks and archived data sets.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Wolf SM, Crock BN, Van Ness B, Lawrenz F, Kahn JP, Beskow LM, Cho MK, Christman MF, Green RC, Hall R, Illes J, Keane M, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Kohane IS, Leroy B, Maschke KJ, McGeveran W, Ossorio P, Parker LS, Petersen GM, Richardson HS, Scott JA, Terry SF, Wilfond BS, Wolf WA

Return of individual research results from genome-wide association studies: experience of the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Fullerton SM, Wolf WA, Brothers KB, Clayton EW, Crawford DC, Denny JC, Greenland P, Koenig BA, Leppig KA, Lindor NM, McCarty CA, McGuire AL, McPeek Hinz ER, Mirel DB, Ramos EM, Ritchie MD, Smith ME, Waudby CJ, Burke W, Jarvik GP

Framing Nicotine Addiction as a "Disease of the Brain": Social and Ethical Consequences.

Social science quarterly

Dingel MJ, Karkazis K, Koenig BA

Impact of direct-to-consumer predictive genomic testing on risk perception and worry among patients receiving routine care in a preventive health clinic.

Mayo Clinic proceedings

James KM, Cowl CT, Tilburt JC, Sinicrope PS, Robinson ME, Frimannsdottir KR, Tiedje K, Koenig BA

"I felt like the angel of death": role conflicts and moral distress among allied professionals employed by the US cardiovascular implantable electronic device industry.

Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing

Mueller PS, Ottenberg AL, Hayes DL, Koenig BA

"Just Because We Can Doesn't Mean We Should": views of nurses on deactivation of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators.

Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing

Kramer DB, Ottenberg AL, Gerhardson S, Mueller LA, Kaufman SR, Koenig BA, Mueller PS

Ethical and practical challenges of sharing data from genome-wide association studies: the eMERGE Consortium experience.

Genome research

McGuire AL, Basford M, Dressler LG, Fullerton SM, Koenig BA, Li R, McCarty CA, Ramos E, Smith ME, Somkin CP, Waudby C, Wolf WA, Clayton EW

Vaccinating health care workers against influenza: the ethical and legal rationale for a mandate.

American journal of public health

Ottenberg AL, Wu JT, Poland GA, Jacobson RM, Koenig BA, Tilburt JC

Ironic technology: Old age and the implantable cardioverter defibrillator in US health care.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Kaufman SR, Mueller PS, Ottenberg AL, Koenig BA

Confronting real time ethical, legal, and social issues in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Consortium.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Clayton EW, Smith M, Fullerton SM, Burke W, McCarty CA, Koenig BA, McGuire AL, Beskow LM, Dressler L, Lemke AA, Ramos EM, Rodriguez LL, Consent and Community Consultation Working Group of the eMERGE Consortium

Incidental findings in imaging research: evaluating incidence, benefit, and burden.

Archives of internal medicine

Orme NM, Fletcher JG, Siddiki HA, Harmsen WS, O'Byrne MM, Port JD, Tremaine WJ, Pitot HC, McFarland EG, Robinson ME, Koenig BA, King BF, Wolf SM

Race and ancestry in biomedical research: exploring the challenges.

Genome medicine

Caulfield T, Fullerton SM, Ali-Khan SE, Arbour L, Burchard EG, Cooper RS, Hardy BJ, Harry S, Hyde-Lay R, Kahn J, Kittles R, Koenig BA, Lee SS, Malinowski M, Ravitsky V, Sankar P, Scherer SW, Séguin B, Shickle D, Suarez-Kurtz G, Daar AS

The ethics of characterizing difference: guiding principles on using racial categories in human genetics.

Genome biology

Lee SS, Mountain J, Koenig B, Altman R, Brown M, Camarillo A, Cavalli-Sforza L, Cho M, Eberhardt J, Feldman M, Ford R, Greely H, King R, Markus H, Satz D, Snipp M, Steele C, Underhill P

Topics in transplant ethics.

Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.)

Griffin MD, Koenig BA, Schears RM

Incidental findings in CT colonography: literature review and survey of current research practice.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Siddiki H, Fletcher JG, McFarland B, Dajani N, Orme N, Koenig B, Strobel M, Wolf SM

Managing incidental findings in human subjects research: analysis and recommendations.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Wolf SM, Lawrenz FP, Nelson CA, Kahn JP, Cho MK, Clayton EW, Fletcher JG, Georgieff MK, Hammerschmidt D, Hudson K, Illes J, Kapur V, Keane MA, Koenig BA, Leroy BS, McFarland EG, Paradise J, Parker LS, Terry SF, Van Ness B, Wilfond BS

Assessing attitudes about genetic testing as a component of continuing medical education.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Mrazek M, Koenig B, Skime M, Snyder K, Hook C, Black J, Mrazek D

Ethical issues in stopping randomized trials early because of apparent benefit.

Annals of internal medicine

Mueller PS, Montori VM, Bassler D, Koenig BA, Guyatt GH

Family member involvement in hastened death.

Death studies

Starks H, Back AL, Pearlman RA, Koenig BA, Hsu C, Gordon JR, Bharucha AJ

Nicotine addiction through a neurogenomic prism: ethics, public health, and smoking.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Caron L, Karkazis K, Raffin TA, Swan G, Koenig BA

Motivations for physician-assisted suicide.

Journal of general internal medicine

Pearlman RA, Hsu C, Starks H, Back AL, Gordon JR, Bharucha AJ, Koenig BA, Battin MP

Advertising, patient decision making, and self-referral for computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging.

Archives of internal medicine

Illes J, Kann D, Karetsky K, Letourneau P, Raffin TA, Schraedley-Desmond P, Koenig BA, Atlas SW

Genetic research and health disparities.


Sankar P, Cho MK, Condit CM, Hunt LM, Koenig B, Marshall P, Lee SS, Spicer P

Accounting for culture in a globalized bioethics.

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Marshall P, Koenig B

Environmental and genetic determinants of tobacco use: methodology for a multidisciplinary, longitudinal family-based investigation.

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Swan GE, Hudmon KS, Jack LM, Hemberger K, Carmelli D, Khroyan TV, Ring HZ, Hops H, Andrews JA, Tildesley E, McBride D, Benowitz N, Webster C, Wilhelmsen KC, Feiler HS, Koenig B, Caron L, Illes J, Cheng LS

Self-referred whole-body CT imaging: current implications for health care consumers.


Illes J, Fan E, Koenig BA, Raffin TA, Kann D, Atlas SW

Qualitative methods in end-of-life research: recommendations to enhance the protection of human subjects.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Koenig BA, Back AL, Crawley LM

Planning the genome institute's future.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Uhlmann WR, Bennett R, Botkin JR, Botstein D, Boughman JA, Chakravarti A, Clayton EW, Kahn J, Koenig B, Murray TH, Olson MV, Rowley J, Terry S, Valle D

Dead donors and the "shortage" of human organs: are we missing the point?

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

Koenig BA

Strategies for culturally effective end-of-life care.

Annals of internal medicine

Crawley LM, Marshall PA, Lo B, Koenig BA, End-of-Life Care Consensus Panel

Brain science and social policy.

Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain science

Koenig BA, Greely H, Schacter DL, Winslade WJ, Mobley W

The meanings of "race" in the new genomics: implications for health disparities research.

Yale journal of health policy, law, and ethics

Lee SS, Mountain J, Koenig BA

Why not grant primacy to the family?

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

Koenig BA

Ethical decision making and patient autonomy: a comparison of physicians and patients in Japan and the United States.


Ruhnke GW, Wilson SR, Akamatsu T, Kinoue T, Takashima Y, Goldstein MK, Koenig BA, Hornberger JC, Raffin TA

Rethinking fundamental assumptions: SUPPORT's implications for future reform. Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences and Risks of Treatment.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Lynn J, Arkes HR, Stevens M, Cohn F, Koenig B, Fox E, Dawson NV, Phillips RS, Hamel MB, Tsevat J

Participation in the cooperative family registry for breast cancer studies: issues of informed consent.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Daly MB, Offit K, Li F, Glendon G, Yaker A, West D, Koenig B, McCredie M, Venne V, Nayfield S, Seminara D

Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in Canadian Arctic freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems: a review.

The Science of the total environment

Braune B, Muir D, DeMarch B, Gamberg M, Poole K, Currie R, Dodd M, Duschenko W, Eamer J, Elkin B, Evans M, Grundy S, Hebert C, Johnstone R, Kidd K, Koenig B, Lockhart L, Marshall H, Reimer K, Sanderson J, Shutt L

Multicultural considerations in the use of advance directives.

Oncology nursing forum

Ersek M, Kagawa-Singer M, Barnes D, Blackhall L, Koenig BA

Informed consent in a multicultural cancer patient population: implications for nursing practice.

Nursing ethics

Barnes DM, Davis AJ, Moran T, Portillo CJ, Koenig BA

Ethical decision-making in critical care in Hong Kong.

Critical Care Medicine

Ip M, Gilligan T, Koenig B, Raffin TA

Ethical Issues in Immigrant Health Care and Clinical Research.

Handbook of Immigrant Health

Patricia A. Marshall, Barbara A. Koenig, Paul Grifhorst, Mirjam van Ewijk

The difference that culture can make in end-of-life decisionmaking.

Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics : CQ : the international journal of healthcare ethics committees

Hern HE, Koenig BA, Moore LJ, Marshall PA

Report of the Northern California Conference for Guidelines on Aid-in-Dying: definitions, differences, convergences, conclusions.

The Western journal of medicine

Young EW, Marcus FS, Drought T, Mendiola M, Ciesielski-Carlucci C, Alpers A, Eaton M, Koenig BA, Loewy E, Raffin TA, Ross C

Understanding the practice of ethics consultation: results of an ethnographic multi-site study.

The Journal of clinical ethics

Kelly SE, Marshall PA, Sanders LM, Raffin TA, Koenig BA

The power (and limits) of proximity.

The Hastings Center report

Koenig BA

Advance directives. Changing our expectations.


Drought TS, Koenig BA, Raffin TA

Organ transplantation (re)examined?

Medical anthropology quarterly

Koenig BA, Hogle LF

Understanding cultural difference in caring for dying patients.

The Western journal of medicine

Koenig BA, Gates-Williams J

Cultural aspects of nondisclosure.

Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics : CQ : the international journal of healthcare ethics committees

Orona CJ, Koenig BA, Davis AJ

When is a patient "dying"?

California nurse

Muller JH, Koenig BA

AIDS and ethics.

Issues in science and technology

Jonsen AR, Cooke M, Koenig BA

Contending Worldviews in the Clinical Encounter: An Empirical Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Deliberations in Contemporary Medical Oncology

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Ashok Kumbamu, Gail Geller, Aaron Leppin, Cara Fernandez, Jon Tilburt, and Barbara Koenig