Between a Fund and a Hard Place: Haitian Health Care Professionals and International Humanitarian Aid.

Coming up on Wednesday, February 29th, as part of the DAHSM Culpeper Seminar Series, Dr Pierre Minn will give a talk on the experience of training, hiring and retaining "local" health professionals in resource-poor settings. Drawing from ethnographic research he conducted in northern Haiti from 2007 to 2009, Dr Minn will describe the relationships Haitian health professionals have with international aid agencies and organizations. Interviews with hospital and clinic employees reveal ambivalent attitudes toward international aid, as well as contradictory pressures related to professional development and emigration. These findings will be discussed in the context of the January 2010 earthquake and its impacts on the Haitian health care system. Dr Minn (B.A., Anthropology, Yale University, and M.A., Ph.D., McGill University), is a Postdoctoral research fellow at DAHSM. His research focuses on the social and moral dimensions of transnational health interventions. In particular, Dr Minn is interested to research at the interface between international health organizations and biomedical practitioners in impoverished settings. The seminar, open to the public, will take place in room 474 at Laurel Height Campus from 3:30 – 5:00 pm.