Current PhD Students
2020 Cohort
Bri Matusovsky
[email protected]
BS, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Global Health Studies, Yale University
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, Romania, Ukraine, Russia
Research Areas of Interest: Disability studies and activism, animal rights and welfare, biopower, zoonoses, systems of oppression, queer feminist approaches to anthropology, systemic violence, collective liberation, scientific research, clinical trials, bioethics
Gender Identy: they/them
Rebecca Newmark
[email protected]
BA in Anthropology, Princeton University, 2014; Post-Baccalaureate in Pre-Medical Studies, Northwestern University, 2016
Research Area of Interest: embodiment, affect theory, feminist anthropologies, disgust and liminality, the body, competitive eating
Tiffany Taylor
[email protected]
A.B. in Political Science, Sociology, and Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies (Asian American Studies), the University of Chicago; MPH in Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, Latin America, Caribbean
Research Interests: Biopolitics, surveillance, governmentality, and human-machine interactions; bodies; psychological anthropology; citizenship, refugeeism, and immigration; health disparities, race, ethnicity, and women's health; feminist anthropology; social movements, cinema, media, and culture; disability studies.
2019 Cohort
Sheyda Aboii
[email protected]
MSTP, MD/PhD Candidate AB, Harvard University, Government
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, Borders, Diaspora, and Time Geographies.
Research Areas of Interest: Migration, Land Use, Work and Labor, Bodies, Value, Toxic Exposure, Community, Race, Outdoor Leisure, Subsistence Fishing, Waterways, and Public Goods.
2018 Cohort
Fabian Fernandez
[email protected]
MSTP, MD/PhD Candidate - MPH, Social Behavioral Sciences, Yale University; BA, Anthropology, Yale University
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, Latinx Diaspora
Research Areas of Interest: State violence, prison abolition, sex work, migration, queer theory, critical race theory, health social movements, and HIV.
Deren Pulley
[email protected]
MPH, Public Health, University of North Carolina; BA, International and Area Studies, Washington University
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States and Transnational spaces
Research Areas of Interest: Anthropology of the body, embodiment, the microbiome, guts and goopy things, sanitation, cure, surgery, illness narratives, biomedical uncertainty, biopower, biopolitics, and public health epistemology
Kara Zamora
[email protected]
MA, Anthropology - CSU East Bay; BA Anthropology - University of Illinois at Chicago
Geographic Areas of Interest: Philippine Islands, United States Pacific Island Territories, United States
Research Areas of Interest: Chronic pain; complementary integrative health; citizenship, identity, nationality and trans-nationality in US Pacific Island territories; structural competency; graphic medicine
2016 Cohort
Anjana Bala
[email protected]
BA Human Biology, Stanford University; MSc Medical Anthropology, University College, London
Geographic Areas of Interest: South Asia
Research Areas of Interest: Mental health, dance and the body, health technologies, embodiment and performance, post-colonial studies
Carlos Martinez
[email protected]
MPH, San Francisco State, 2015; BS, San Francisco State, 2012
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, Latin America (Central America, Venezuela, Cuba)
Research Areas of Interest: Health social movements, physician and health worker activism, structural vulnerability, politically-structured health inequities, neoliberalism and health, migrant health, Latin American social medicine, critically applied public anthropology, critical public health
Nishant Bagadia
Geographic Areas of Interest: U.S./Latin America Relations (Cuba, Panama, Columbia) or India
Research Areas of Interest: Influence of capitalism, neo-liberalism and new ways of governing in international healthcare, the transnational movement of bodies, patients or medical resources, medical tourism and procedure specific medical travel (CCSVI, Stem Cell therapy), and/or impact on personhood.
Laura Duncan, PhD 2021
Dissertation Title: Queer Data: Medical Quantifcation and What Counts About Counting
MSTP MD/PhD; BA, Interdisciplinary Studies with focus on Medical Anthropology, New York University, Gallatin
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States
Research Areas of Interest: Gender and sexuality, medical education and socialization of providers, structural competency, queer theory, patient resistance and resiliency, clinical discourses of stigma and risk.
Ugo Edu, PhD 2015
Geographic Areas of Interest: Nigeria, Brazil, Cuba, Africa and her diaspora
Research Areas of Interest: conceptualizations of sex, gender and sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, international health, colonial impacts on African societies, especially as it relates to sex and sexuality.
Mark D. Fleming, PhD, MS 2016
I am a social scientist specializing in the critical study of science, medicine, and health. My research investigates questions of stratification, embodiment, and the determinants of health disparities. My work draws from training and expertise in cultural and medical anthropology, sociology, biology and neuroscience, and public health. My project Stress and the Biopolitics of Work investigates the forms of scientific, economic, and political reasoning connecting contemporary work and the body in the United States. This research examines especially the intersecting racializations of work, modes of precarious living, and biomedical accounts of chronic disease. My current research centers on the institutional and political management of chronic illness in the United States. This research is connected to an interdisciplinary, team-based fieldwork project based at two urban public hospitals.
Raphael Frankfurter, MA 2021
MSTP, MD/PhD; AB in Anthropology, Princeton University
Geographic Areas of Interest: Sierra Leone and Guinea
Research Areas of Interest: Critical global health studies, biosecurity, magic and witchcraft, political economy, medical pluralism, humanitarianism and NGOs, extractive industries and health, colonial medicine, public health and epidemiological discourse and knowledge production.
Nadia Gaber, PhD 2019
Dissertation Title: Life After Water: Detroit, Flint and the Postindustrial Politics of Health
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States; Egypt; the Middle East, Postcolonial America
Research Areas of Interest: water quality and systems in Michigan; protest and emergency medicine, humanitarian discourses and their uses, trauma and subjectivity; feminist embodiments; diabetes disparity; borders and blood ties
Dana Greenfield, PhD 2015
Dissertation Title: Homo Experimentus: Digital Selves and Digital Health in the Age of Innovation
Research Areas of Interest: Gender, sexuality, sex hormones and normalizing technologies; intersex studies, queer theories/studies, social studies of science and technology (or STS) disability studies, identity politics, social movements and medicine; endocrinology and pediatric medicine
Molly Hales, PhD 2018
Dissertation Title: Digitally-Mediated Intimacies between the Living and the Dead
Geographic Areas of Interest: Alaska
Research Areas of Interest: Masculinity, queer theory, globalization, development, (bio)medicalization; palliative care
Francesca Nicosia, PhD 2018
Dissertation Title: The Turn Toward Value: An Ethnography of Efficiency and Satisfaction in the American Hospital
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States and the world
Research Areas of Interest: Death and dying; hospice and palliative care; anthropology of the body; subjectivity; pain and suffering; globalization and neoliberalism; medical education/medical humanities
Adeola Oni-Orisan, PhD 2018
Dissertation Title: To Be Delivered: Pregnant and Born Again in Nigeria
Research Areas of Interest: gender, sexuality, maternal and reproductive health, health technologies in low-income countries setting, refugee and immigration health, intersections between religion, ritual and health behaviors, politics of international aid
Maryani Rasidjan, PhD 2019
Dissertation Title: Population Anxiety in Black Papua: The Politics of Reproduction and Racialization in Peripheral Indonesia
Geographic Areas of Interest: Indonesia
Research Areas of Interest: Gender and Reproductive Health; Post-colonial Studies; Global Health; Intersections of Social Formations, Power, and Health; Communities of Color; Health Disparities.
Melina Salvador, PhD 2020
Dissertation Title: Walking in a Very Dangerous Space: An Ethnography at the Edges of Adolescence and Psychosis
Geographic Areas of Interest: Latin America, Iberia, Tribal nations, United States
Research Areas of Interest: Mental health, substance abuse and recovery, prodromal psychosis, evidence based practice, risk allocation and early treatment, health and healing narratives.
Shannon Satterwhite, PhD 2019
Dissertation Title: Patients are Waiting: Temporal Logics and Practices of Safety-Net Primary Care
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States
Research Areas of Interest: Primary care practice changes; Care in clinical settings focused on increased efficiency; Interprofessional collaboration, Group care models
Naomi Schoenfeld, PhD 2020
Dissertation Title: Biopharmaceutical Solidarity: Cuban Cancer Vaccines and 21st Century Socialist Science
Geographic Areas of Interest: Latin America (Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela), US, Scandinavia, healthcare in transitional economies
Research Areas of Interest: Influence of power and profit on the clinical encounter, healthcare reform, pharmaceutical treatment of chronic psychiatric and somatic suffering, migration, refugees, cultural and economic constructions of primary care, trans-national healthcare utilization, global pharmaceuticals.
Karina Vasilevska-Das, PhD 2020
Dissertation Title: Crooked Children: The Morality and Aesthetics of Managing Latvian Bodies
BA German Studies, Mount Holyoke College, USA; MSc Anthropology of Learning and Cognition, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Geographic Areas of Interest: Eastern Europe, Latvia in particular, other post-Soviet countries, Africa
Research Areas of Interest: Global health, child health and research methodology in childhood, body politics, childhood obesity, pharmaceuticalization of medicine and chronic childhood diseases
Ryan Whitacre, PhD 2018
Dissertation Title: Intimate Innovation: Subjectivity, Political Economy and a Novel Method to Prevent HIV
Ryan is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
Geographic Areas of Interest: United States, global and local clinical trials, and public health systems
Research Areas of Interest: stakes of participation in medicine, prevention as a mode of medical care, and innovation in HIV treatment and prevention programs; affect, citizenship and knowledge production